Vivienne Glance

Vivienne Glance collaborates with multi-disciplinary artist, Sophie Minissale, for the Voices of Nature 2020 National Exhibition

Vivienne combines her BSc. Botany, (Imperial College, London) and PhD in Creative Writing (University of Western Australia, Perth) to bring science and aet together in her poems, stories and plays. Her widely published poetry includes two collections, The Softness of Water and A Simple Rain, and nearly thirty of her plays have been developed, published or presented in Australia and overseas.

She’s written two novels that are being considered for publication. ‘Staring at the Sun’ features the biomedical sciences and extended life expectancy; ‘The Story Shall Be Changed’ explores themes of the rights of forests, eco-activism and the mainstream media (short-listed, Green Stories, UK competition).

She has been an invited writer at several residencies, including Djerassi Artists Residency Programme, California; Arts Catalyst, London; and at the Bush Retreat for Eco-Writers Residency, NSW.

An Anglo-Indian migrant, Vivienne works with Sudanese-Australian writer, Afeif Ismail, Iraqi-Australian writer, Istenad Haddad, and others, to realise their work in English.