
AELA’s Earth Arts Program connects with sound artists from around Australia.

“Voices of Nature 2020” is AELA’s biennial national arts celebration, organised by the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), and hosted around Australia during October 2020. It is our third biennial celebration of the rights of nature.

This year we have turned out attention to sound, as it is practiced and explored by sound artists, acoustic ecologists, field recordists, composers and musicians.

Our theme – “Voices of Nature” –  will encourage the exploration of the concepts of ‘voice’, ‘standing’, ‘representation’, and ‘agency’ of the natural world within human governance systems. The theme also promotes AELA’s desire to focus on sound art and acoustic ecology as key mediums for communicating and exploring nature’s voice(s).

AELA is excited to be partnering with the Australian Forum for Acoustic Ecology (AFAE) to generate dynamic, cross-disciplinary interactions and projects for “Voices of Nature 2020”. And we look forward to engaging with the science, technology, art, wonder, and acoustic expertise of the AFAE members.

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