RONA18 Arts Program

RONA18 – “Rights of Nature Australia 2018” – is a national arts celebration, organised by the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA). The National Exhibition will run from October 23-28 in Brisbane, in conjunction with AELA’s week of exploring and celebrating the Rights of Nature. See the RONA18 poster for event details.

RONA18 has been designed to promote cultural engagement with the emerging, global, Rights of Nature movement, and to celebrate the Australia Peoples Tribunal for Community and Nature’s Rights, which is being held on Saturday 27th October 2018 in Brisbane.  AELA’s intention is to blend the creative re-interpretation of environmental governance with cultural responses to the rights of the natural world to exist, thrive and evolve. Find out more about the 2018 Australian Peoples Tribunal.

Read about the RONA18 Themes.

View the RONA18 Arts Catalogue below:
RONA18 Art Catalogue

Download the RONA18 Arts Catalogue

RONA18 National Exhibition, 22 – 28 October

The RONA18 National Exhibition will be hosted at the Spring Hill Reservoir in Brisbane, from October 22 – 28, in the lead up to the Peoples Tribunal. The Exhibition will connect with the themes of the 2018 Peoples’ Tribunal, which is examining the impact of industrialised food systems on the natural world. (Read more about the issues being examined by the Tribunal).

The National Exhibition will feature works from artists investigating themes of agency, in relation to existing and future food production and distribution systems. These works will reveal, reflect and critique the current flaws in the western legal system that are disabling us from making purposeful choices and taking action to support the transition to earth-centred governance. The exhibition will also record and celebrate the transformations taking place that are assisting us.

RONA18 Regional Responses

An important part of RONA18 is our invitation to everyone, to host creative events and activities in their town or region.

Artists and creatives, arts centres, community groups, school groups and interested members of the community are invited to host art exhibitions, plays, storytelling sessions, performances, ‘creative conversations’ (e.g., dinner parties, BBQs) and other creative events to celebrate the Rights of Nature in 2018.

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